Friday, April 6, 2012

April 4th 2012 Session

  • Hazelene Kollannur Bhavsar
    • April 4th session
      We are happy to have a new member Vidya in our group. Vidya welcome to our group!!!!
      The session started with Seema. Seema loves to write. Someday she is planning on writing a children’s book. She shared about a writing prompt she had this month, which was:-
      If you have a choice of possessing the power of a sixth sense what would it be?
      She asked the group to share their ideas of which power each of us would love to have. To which Gayathri responded that she would like to have the power of mindreading. She feels like she invests a lot of her love, time and energy into her friends and sometimes is puzzled by their behavior and mindreading would help her to know what they are thinking and put her worrisome mind at ease.
      I and Vidya felt like we did not want the sixth power and would like everything to stay the way it was. Many years back I was very curious about the future and was interested in palmistry, astrology etc. But I loved the statement Nilakshi mentioned during our very first session, “We don’t pick the book but the book picks us. Over the years I have had a similar epiphany that the experiences, situations, job, places, friends, books etc. chooses us….we don’t choose them!!! Nilakshi wanted to have the power to control her appetite.Sneha had to leave early and said she will ruminate on which power she would love to have and will get back with the answer next time we meet. Can’t wait to hear which power she would like to have!!!
      Seema shared a very interesting story to explain the power she would like to have.Seema had a little tiff with her husband and planned to take a long walk to teach him a lesson(which I remember doing countless times to my husband!!!).She was planning on taking a long walk around the lake till late and since she does not carry a cell phone, her husband would not be able to locate her which will get him worried. But unexpectedly as she reached halfway, nature’s call forced her to not only to finish the walk sooner, but got her running as fast as she could to get to her house. This made her regret her intentions!!!She has many experiences (like during an important meeting) when nature’s call has made her extremely uncomfortable. Hence she said she wants the power to control nature’s call. I agree with you Seema!!!!Even though it is a simple issue it can sometimes get OUT OF CONTROL!!!!
      Gayathri loved reading the non-fiction book-TUESDAYS WITH MORRIE written by Mitch Albom.
      Gayathri shared some very personal memories and sentiments along with her thoughts on the book. The book is about Mitch a 37 years old a sports writer and journalist and his re-union with his professor and mentor Morrie Schwartz after almost twenty years later which led to their meeting every Tuesday. The professor had always been a very positive, lively and social person. But now at the age of 78 was bedridden with a serious ailment. Even though he was unable to move much, he loved interacting with people. He did not like sympathy instead he loved listening to others people problems and loved giving helpful advice. He felt taking made him feel like he was dying and giving made him feel lively. The professor was very emotional and felt bad watching news of a sad story on TV. Mitch was surprised how the professor could feel so much for people whom he had never met!!!Gayathri also shared that even she feel strongly and even cries when she watches a sad movie or news.Seema remembered how earlier she never ever cried watching a movie but now after her son is born do feel like crying watching sad incidents related to kids.Sneha remembered how she did not like watching a particular video involving a little child eating out of a dumpster while the minister relishes a royal meal!!!She despises the portrayal of the poverty stricken India to the world!!!
      Coming back to the book, Professor Morrie reminded Gayathri of her grandfather…… during her last year’s stay she got really close to her grandfather………… he used to love to talk and promised to listen to her US stories when she returns…………but unfortunately couldn’t hear because of cancer affecting his ears. She accompanied him to the doctor’s visit; surgery………..took care of him. He, like the professor, also loved people. He passed away last year. She still misses him a lot. May his soul rest in peace.
      We all have our Professor Morrie in our lives. It may be our dad, an uncle, teacher or grandparent or a next door neighbor!!!It will be so wonderful if we get time to reconnect with that person and learn lessons and rediscover ourselves!!!
      I read out an article shown in the link below about Birth Order and Parenting by Robert Needlman
      It was interesting how we all could relate to some of the traits mentioned in the article.Gayathri pointed out that with increasing awareness and lot parenting books and knowledge the way we raise our kids now definitely is not anymore depended on the birth order. Being the oldest “ AKKA” of three she agrees with the responsibilities she has always had…….how she was also expected to be the little parent……how she till date surprises her younger sister with gifts and her yummy food!!!She also agrees that her middle sister used to feel a little neglected.Seema has an older sister whom she always refers to as “CHECHI”……….how chechi always pampers her!!! Nilakshi also remembered how much she respects her older sister, but wishes that she should have addressed her as “THAI” or “ DIDI”…… that sort of respect brings about more intimate attachment and love. She felt that she did notice in many case the middle child often gets neglected .I being the middle child was the mediator, negotiator and peacemaker of the family but sometimes felt confused, but I did not feel neglected, instead was daddy’s girl!!!We all have many memories of our child.
      Thank you all for sharing all your wonderful stories with the group!!!Have a great weekend!!!
      Maybe it was a grandparent, or a teacher, or a colleague. Someone older, patient and wise, who understood you when you were young and searching, helped you see the world as a more profound place, gave you sound advice to help you make your way through it.
  • Nilakshi Pradhan
    2 hours ago
    Nilakshi Pradhan
    • Thanks for such a wonderful recap Hazel, as always.
      Just to add, my choice other then the food thing would be 'to be able to choose the memories I want to forget'

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